Sacred Relic of the Buddha on Display at Scotland’s Buddhist Vihara


From the 21st of July until the 16th of November we will be displaying our very special Sacred Relic of the Buddha. (Dhatu)

The resident monks will observe their 3 month retreat from the 22nd of July (Esala, full moon Poya day).

During this time the Vihara has organised many religious acivities to celebrate this very special occasion.  Every day at 7am, 11am and 9pm, Buddha Puja will be conducted by the monks, this is also is open to the public.  The monks will recite Itipiso Gata 121 times, and also they will be meditating on Buddha’s noble virtues (Buddhanussati Bhavana).

Every Saturday from 5 to 6pm, there will be a special one hour sermon regarding one quality of the Buddha. There will be 9 consecutive sermons, describing the Buddha’s 9 noble virtues. Devotees and well wishers are invited too sponsor these sermons and also, to offer refreshments for participants after the sermon.

All are very welcome during public visiting hours (Puja times).