Festival of Cricket Silver Jubilee event at the new and very picturesque Merchant Taylors’ School grounds on...
Day: 27 February 2013
ජිනීවාහි එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ කාර්යාලය තුළදී මාර්තු 01 වැනිදා තිරගත කිරීමට සැලසුම් කර ඇති ශ්රී ලංකාවට එරෙහි “නෝ...
While claiming that it was ‘surprised by the statement made by the US delegate at the UN...
එංගලන්තයේ වෙන්දේසියක අලෙවි කිරීමට තිබෙන සඳකඩ පහණ ශ්රී ලංකාවෙන් රැගෙන ගිය එකක් නොවන බවත් එය සඳකඩ පහණේ...
The United States today said that Sri Lanka continues to fall short in implementing even the recommendations...
President Mahinda Rajapaksa said communal harmony and unity are a must for the overall development of the...
The international community seems to be unaware that it was being deceived by a well thought out...