Last year we took some foodstuffs to Emmaus House in Acton which is a centre “a Beacon of Hope” for the poor, the marginalised and those who suffer from isolation or are homeless. It is a registered UK charity.
We would like to take an offering again at Vesak from the London Buddhist Vihara as an act of generosity. In particular, the things most needed are:
Shower gel
If you feel that you would like to help and contribute something perhaps you would be good enough to bring them in on Sunday, 26th May, Vesak Day Celebrations at the Vihara. We will put a couple of boxes on the stage with a label HOMELESS CHARITY IN ACTON on it so that you can put in any donation that you may wish to make. We will then take the donations to the Centre on the following day.
Many thanks
London Buddhist Vihara