All posts by SriLankansPuwath

චැනල් 4 චිත්‍රපටය ජිනීවාහි තිරගත කිරීමට ඉඩ නොදෙන්න – මානව හිමිකම් කවුන්සිලයට රජයෙන් සංදේශයක්‌

ජිනීවාහි එක්‌සත් ජාතීන්ගේ කාර්යාලය තුළදී මාර්තු 01 වැනිදා තිරගත කිරීමට සැලසුම් කර ඇති ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට එරෙහි “නෝ ෆයර් සෝන්” නමැති චිත්‍රපටය සඳහා ඉඩ නොදෙන්නැයි රජය මානව හිමිකම් කවුන්සිලයේ සභාපති රෙමිගුයිස්‌ හෙන්සල් වෙත සිය දැඩි විරෝධය දක්‌වමින් සංදේශයක්‌ මගින් ඉල්ලා ඇත.

හියුමන් රයිට්‌ස්‌ වොච් සහ එකොසොන් නමැති රාජ්‍ය නොවන සංවිධාන මෙම චිත්‍රපට තිරගත කිරීම සඳහා ක්‍රියාකරන බව ජිනීවා නිත්‍ය නියෝජිත රවිනාත් ආරියසිංහ මහතා විසින් යෑවූ එම සංදේශයේ දක්‌වා තිබේ.

දේශපාලන අවශ්‍යතා ඉටුකර ගැනීම සඳහා මේ චිත්‍රපටය ප්‍රදර්ශනය කිරීමට සැලසුම් කිරීම ගැන රජය දැඩි විරෝධය දක්‌වා ඇත.

මානව හිමිකම් කවුන්සිලයට සම්බන්ධ රටකට එරෙහිව රාජ්‍ය නොවන සංවිධාන විසින් දියත් කර ඇති සාවද්‍ය චෝදනා සඳහා ඉඩ නොදීම මානව හිමිකම් කවුන්සිලයේ වගකීම බවද එම සංදේශයේ සඳහන් කර ඇත.

මේ චිත්‍රපටය තිරගත කිරීමට නියමිත කාලසීමාව පිළිබඳව විමර්ශනය කරන විට ශ්‍රී ලංකාව සම්බන්ධ විවාදය පැවැත්වෙන සමයයි. ඉන් මානව හිමිකම් සමුළුවට බලපෑමක්‌ ඇති කිරීමට උත්සාහ කරනවා” යෑයි එම සංදේශයේ තවදුරටත් සඳහන් කර තිබේ.

බටහිර රටවල දේශපාලන රැකවරණ ලබන කොටි ක්‍රියාකාරීන් මේ චිත්‍රපටය මේ චිත්‍රපටය සඳහා ප්‍රචාරය ලබාදෙමින් අරමුදල් එකතු කිරීමට ක්‍රියාකරන බවත් රවිනාත් ආරියසිංහ මහතා සිය සංදේශයේ දක්‌වා ඇත.

මේ සමුළුව අතරතුර එක්‌සත් ජාතීන්ගේ කාර්යාලය තුළ මෙකී චිත්‍රපටය පෙන්වීමට ඉඩ නොදෙන්නැයිද ඔහු ඉල්ලා තිබේ.

මේ අතර නෝ µයර් සෝන් චිත්‍රපටය නිර්මාණය කළ චැනල් 4 රූපවාහිනියේ කැල්ලම් මැක්‌රේ පෙබරවාරි 28 වැනිදා ජිනීවා වෙත පැමිණේ.(කීර්ති වර්ණකුලසූරිය)

Source: Divaina (Sri Lanka)

‘UNHRC should not encourage any resolution on SL’

While claiming that it was ‘surprised by the statement made by the US delegate at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Sri Lanka today said that ‘Council should not embark upon or encourage either debate or any country-specific resolution by virtue of a singled out process.’

Exercising a ‘right of Reply’ to a statement made by Ms Esther Brimmer, US Assistant Secretary of State for international organisations during the High Level Segment of the 22nd Human Rights Council on Tuesday, Ms. Priyanga Wicremasinghe, Counsellor of the Sri Lanka Permanent Mission in Geneva said, “Sri Lanka should be encouraged in its reconciliation process, rather than being singled out for any disproportionate attention in this Council”.

Right of Reply of Sri Lanka to the Statement made by the US, 26th February 2013

Mr President,
My delegation wishes to exercise its right of reply with regard to the reference to Sri Lanka contained in the statement made today, by Ms Esther Brimmer, Assistant Secretary of State for international organisations, of the USA.

We strongly reject any unfair, biased, unprincipled and unjust approach that may be adopted by this Council towards the protection and promotion of Human Rights of Sri Lanka.

We reiterate our consistent position that any action taken in the promotion and protection of human rights of a country must have the consent of that country, and be based on the principles cooperation and genuine dialogue, and the founding principles of universality, impartiality, non-selectivity which govern the mandate of the Council, as stipulated in GA resolution 60/251 of 15 March 2006, and provisions in Council Resolutions 5/1 and 5/2 of 18 June 2007, and 16/21 of 25 March 2011.

Sri Lanka is therefore firmly of the view that this Council should not embark upon or encourage either debate or any country-specific resolution by virtue of a singled out process which would run counter to the founding principles as elaborated above.  Doing so will clearly reflects an application of double standards.

Mr. President,
It is in such context that my delegation is surprised by the statement made by the US delegate drawing disproportionate attention towards Sri Lanka. It is especially so, at a time when having overcome a 30-year long terrorist conflict, as well as having averted what many feared would be a ‘humanitarian catastrophe’, Sri Lanka is implementing a comprehensive process of reconciliation involving all communities based on the National Action Plan on the implementation of the recommendations of the LLRC.

Mr. President,
Sri Lanka should be encouraged in its endeavour in this reconciliation process, rather than being singled out for any disproportionate attention in this Council.”

Source: Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

එංගලන්තයේ අලෙවියට තබා ඇති සඳකඩ පහණ ලංකාවේ එකක්‌ නොවේ – පුරාවිද්‍යා අධ්‍යක්‍ෂ ජනරාල්

එංගලන්තයේ වෙන්දේසියක අලෙවි කිරීමට තිබෙන සඳකඩ පහණ ශ්‍රී ලංකාවෙන් රැගෙන ගිය එකක්‌ නොවන බවත් එය සඳකඩ පහණේ අනුරුවක්‌ පමණක්‌ බවත් පුරාවිද්‍යා අධ්‍යක්‍ෂ ජනරාල් සෙනරත් දිසානායක මහතා ඊයේ (26 වැනිදා) පැවසීය.

මේ සඳකඩ පහණ පිළිබඳව එංගලන්තයේ ඔක්‌ස්‌µර්ඩ් විශ්වවිද්‍යාලයේ ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ කථිකාචාර්ය විජයරත්න බෝයින්ගමුව මහතා විසින් විමර්ශනය කර මෙරටට එවනු ලැබූ වාර්තාව මගින් මේ බව තහවුරු වී ඇතැයි ද දිසානායක මහතා කීය.

අලෙවි කිරීමට තිබෙන සඳකඩ පහණ පොළොවෙන් යට කොටස ඉතා මෘදු ලෙස ඔපමට්‌ටම් කර ඇති බවත්, එය කිසිදු ස්‌ථානයක ක්‌ෂය වීමක්‌ නොමැතිව තිබෙන බවත් වාර්තාව මගින් තහවුරු වී ඇති නිසා මෙය සඳකඩ පහණක අනුරුවක්‌ ලෙස සැලකිය හැකි බවත් හෙතෙම කීය.

වෙන්දේසියට තබා ඇති සඳකඩ පහණ අනුරාධපුර යුගයට අයත් නම් එය අට වැනි හෝ නව වැනි සියවස්‌වලට අයත් විය යුතු බවත් අධ්‍යක්‍ෂ ජනරාල්වරයා පවසයි. අනුරාධපුර රාජධානිය දහවැනි සියවසේදී බිඳවැටීමෙන් පසු මෙරටින් රැගෙන ගිය සඳකඩ පහණ නම් මෙතරම් අලුත් ලෙස එය පැවතිය නොහැකි බව ද හෙතෙම වැඩිදුරටත් අවධාරණය කර සිටී. (චමින්ද සිල්වා)

Source: Divaina (Sri Lanka)

US not satisfied with SL action

The United States today said that Sri Lanka continues to fall short in implementing even the recommendations of its own Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission, in addressing the underlying sources of its longstanding ethnic conflict.

Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer said at the 22nd session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva that the United States will introduce another resolution at this session to ensure that the international community continues to monitor progress, and to again offer assistance on outstanding reconciliation and accountability issues.

“The Council’s work remains unfinished so long as Sri Lanka continues to fall short in implementing even the recommendations of its own Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission, or in addressing the underlying sources of its longstanding ethnic conflict. Last year’s HRC resolution encouraged brave civil society groups on the ground to continue their efforts, and the United States will introduce another resolution at this session to ensure that the international community continues to monitor progress, and to again offer assistance on outstanding reconciliation and accountability issues. The United States hopes this resolution will be a cooperative effort with the Sri Lankan government,” she said.
Meanwhile commenting on the Israel issue, she said that the Council’s work remains unfinished so long as it continues to unfairly single out Israel, the only country with a stand-alone agenda item.
“Until this Council ceases to subject Israel to an unfair and unacceptable bias, its unprincipled and unjust approach will continue to tarnish the reputation of this body, while doing nothing to support progress toward the peace among Israelis and Palestinians that we all desire so deeply,” she said.
Source: Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Unity, a must to protect country’s good image

President Mahinda Rajapaksa said communal harmony and unity are a must for the overall development of the country and moreover protecting the country’s good image. The President said we can stand only if we are united _ divided we fall.

He added that education is the major resource while knowledge is the main weapon. “The future of the country is with the younger generation especially with the students,” he said. The President was addressing a gathering at the Muslim Ladies College, Colombo, yesterday after declaring open the newly constructed four storied school building.

The building has been constructed with donations provided by Senior Minister AHM Fowzie and his family members. After reading from the Holy Quran, the President said ‘We Sri Lankans have to work with dedication, determination and devotion to reach the ultimate goals. “Muslim ladies can contribute in a major way for the betterment of the country. After liberating the country from the clutches of terrorism, all communities have come forward to serve the nation,” he said.

“The government took steps to uplift education to meet the present day requirements. The entire education system will be subject to change soon in order to meet the modern day requirements. Accordingly, the mother language, history and religion will be taught in every school, including private schools. School children should know the history of the country and their mother tongue as well. No one can get forget the history of the country, since it is part and parcel of society. Knowing history will help one face any challenge in a competitive environment,” the President added.

“A student should be a person of quality, equipped with a multitude of skills willing and able to help the country’s forward march. Schools pave the way for ethnic harmony and peace, while creating a better environment for mutual relationship among all ethnic groups. Everyone must love and respect his or her mother country, President Rajapaksa said.

President Rajapaksa said the friendly and brotherly bonds between students of all ethnic groups especially in schools, like at Muslim Ladies College, Colombo is an example to the country.

“Sinhala,Tamil and Muslim students engaged in learning and educational activities in a friendly manner in the school without considering ethnic, religious, language or other differences helps strengthen communal harmony and unity. We must respect humanity, as this is what every religion teaches us,” the President said.

Source: Daily News (Sri Lanka)

Int’l community duped by pro LTTE groups: Military

The international community seems to be unaware that it was being deceived by a well thought out strategy of LTTE rump groups, the Military said today.

Military spokesman Ruwan Wanigasooriya said the latest video by London based Channel-4 television station showed that the propaganda machinery of LTTE Rump groups had a dominating influence at the UNHRC.

“This has been the case ever since the end of the Humanitarian Operations in Sri Lanka,” Brigadier Wanigasooriya said.

He said some of the recently released photos said to be of Prabhakaran’sson have been in the public domain for anyone to see.

“If at all these photographsshould have been put out at once. The fact is that those with vested interests do not want to do so or hand them over to law enforcement agencies with the relevant evidence (that they claim as being beyond any reasonable doubt) for investigations.  This shows that their objective is to keep the tempo going before each UNHRC session,” Brigadier Wanigasooriya said.

He said this was part of a major campaign against Sri Lanka by all interest groups.

“It is very clear that publishing photographs of alleged violations in Sri Lanka at the most opportune time — well timed and spaced, is a good marketing strategy and the LTTE Rump do not want to lose that leverage,” he said.

Source: Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

SL protests against screening of Ch-4 film

Sri Lanka has protested against allowing a Channel-4 documentary titled ‘No fire Zone: The killing fields of Sri Lanka’ to be screened on the sideline of the human rights meeting in Geneva.

Sri Lankan ambassador to the UN in Geneva Ravinatha Aryasinha In a letter addressed to Ambassador Remigiusz Achilles Henczel, President of the Human Rights Council, stated that the documentary “contains a narrative that is “discredited, uncorroborated and unsubstantiated.”

He also stated that “the global body could be violating its own rules if the film is screened Friday in Geneva at a meeting hosted by rights groups.”

The documentary is to be screened at the Palais de Nations in Geneva on 1st March 2013.

Aryasinha also said “Sri Lanka views this film, as well as the timing of its broadcast as part of a cynical, concerted and orchestrated campaign that is strategically driven, and clearly motivated by collateral political considerations”.

Noting that this is the screening of the third part of a much disputed film series by Channel 4, whose narrative remains discredited, uncorroborated and unsubstantiated, he said such actions would clearly undermine the status of Member States, the work of the Council and leaves it vulnerable to politicization.  It noted that ECOSOC Resolution No. 1996/31 of 25 July 1996 that stipulates the consultative relationship between the United Nations and NGOs provides at Paragraph 57(a) for the suspension and withdrawal of consultative status of NGOs, inter alia, specifically where such an organization either directly or through its affiliates or representatives acting on its behalf, clearly abuses its status by engaging in a pattern of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the UN including unsubstantiated or politically motivated acts against Member States of the UN incompatible with those purposes and principles.

Ambassador Aryasinha who recalled the founding principles of the Human Rights Council of ensuring impartiality and fair play upon which the Council was established and that governs the methods of work of the Council,  observed that it is the paramount duty of the Human Rights Council to ensure that NGOs are not facilitated in perpetrating unsubstantiated and politically motivated acts against countries in the Council, in any manner.

He further observed, that at a time when Sri Lanka is vigorously pursuing a process of reconciliation following three decades of conflict inflicted by LTTE terrorism, it is disturbing to note the efforts on the part of entities based overseas with links to rump elements of the LTTE, as well as certain NGOs with ECOSOC accreditation, in facilitating such programmes containing unsubstantiated material that is morphed and diabolical. This approach not only provides members and observers of the Council with an extremely distorted and unbalanced view of Sri Lanka, but also serves to adversely impact the ongoing comprehensive reconciliation process in Sri Lanka.  It also serves to strengthen the rump elements of the LTTE seeking refuge in the West, who use the propaganda value derived from the screening of such films, as a tool to intensify their fundraising and recruitment activities, thereby undermining the process of reconciliation in Sri Lanka.

Noting that the failure of the Council to deal with such a situation would be perceived as a process that is encouraged by the Council which contravenes the governing principles of the UN Charter and the work of the Council within its stipulated mandate. Ambassador Aryasinha added that the use of one’s premises and the conduct of activities in such premises is a liability to be taken upon by the authority having control over such premises, and that clearly, any explanation that the use of premises once handed over to an organization that seeks to engage in such unwarranted activity cannot be a basis to relieve an institution from its responsibility over such activity. It said such conduct based on administrative convenience is unacceptable.

Ambassador Aryasinha requested the President of the Council to circulate its communication as an official document of the 22ndsession of the Human Rights Council in all official languages, and also to keep the OHCHR Secretariat informed.

Source: Daily Miror (Sri Lanka)

Massive violations have occurred in SL – Pillay

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay today said that ‘massive’ violations have occurred in Sri Lanka during the war that ended in 2009.

Making the opening statement at the 22nd session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Pillay said, “We must continue to nurture and strengthen the system designed to deal with such crimes and violations, and those who commit them. It is also critical that we in the international community do our utmost to prevent such situations from developing or deteriorating.”

The full statement made by Ms. Navi Pillay

25 February 2013

Mr. President and President of the General Assembly,
Distinguished Members of the Human Rights Council,
Excellencies and dear colleagues,

Allow me first of all to congratulate His Excellency, Remigiusz Henczel, who is presiding over his first meeting of the Council as President, at the start of what is an historically significant year for the Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights, for the Human Rights Council, and indeed for the global human rights movement as a whole.

Twenty years ago, in June 1993, more than 7,000 participants gathered in Vienna for the World Conference on Human Rights. I was among them, and remember vividly how most of us at the time worried about the likelihood of real progress in the protection of human rights. Many believed there was a risk that the fundamental rights laid down in 1948 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, might be rolled back.

The Berlin Wall had fallen in November 1989 and, despite the outbreak of new conflicts in the Balkans and elsewhere, the end of the Cold War gave a new impetus to the concepts of freedom, democracy and human rights that carried us through the Vienna Conference. The assembled delegates overcame major differences on contentious issues such as universality, sovereignty, impunity, and how to give a voice to victims. The result was a powerful and very positive outcome document: the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (VDPA).

The VDPA is the most significant overarching human rights document produced in the last quarter of a century. It crystalized the underlying principles that human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated, and took the key notion of universality a step further by committing States to the promotion and protection of all human rights for all people “regardless of their political, economic, and cultural systems.”

In a sense, by cutting through the artificial hierarchy under which social, economic and cultural rights were viewed by some as being less important than civil and political rights, the Conference succeeded in breaching a second wall that had divided States over the previous decades. That process is continuing, with the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights entering into force on 5 May. This will finally bring it in line with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which has had a similar Optional Protocol, allowing for individual complaints, in place for the past 37 years.

The Vienna Conference led to historic advances in a number of other areas. During the course of this anniversary year, we will have several opportunities to take stock of these, including at the High Level Panel on the Vienna Declaration later today, when the anniversary celebrations will be officially launched.

I will mention just a few of the principal achievements of the VDPA: its role in advancing women’s rights, its impact on the fight against impunity, and its swiftly realized recommendation to create the organization of which I am currently the proud steward: the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

At Vienna, the NGO slogan “Women’s Rights are Human Rights” spoke loudly, and the VDPA reclaimed the vision of human rights for women. It called for the universal ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the integration of women’s rights into all UN activities and called for the adoption of the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women and endorsed the creation of a Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women.

The Vienna Declaration condemned the gross and systematic violations of human rights that were continuing in many parts of the world. It highlighted violations such as torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, summary and arbitrary executions, disappearances, and arbitrary detentions; it drew attention to all forms of racism, racial discrimination and apartheid, foreign occupation and alien domination, and xenophobia. It highlighted poverty, hunger and other denials of economic, social and cultural rights, religious intolerance, terrorism, and lack of the rule of law.

It viewed with concern the issue of impunity of perpetrators of human rights violations, and supported the efforts made by the UN human rights machinery to examine all aspects of the issue. Perhaps most significantly, just one month after the establishment of the first ad hoc international criminal tribunal since Nuremberg, the Declaration nudged the International Law Commission to continue its work on a permanent international criminal court.

The Conference did not stop there. It recognized that achieving these goals required stronger, more streamlined leadership in the UN system itself. To this end, it called for the establishment of a High Commissioner for Human Rights, with a mandate to protect and promote human rights, and the post was created by the General Assembly later that year.

That was twenty years ago.

Much progress has occurred during those two decades. But we must recognize that the glass is half full, and the promise of respecting all human rights for all people is still a dream for too many.

Major advances in women’s rights have occurred in many countries, and international legislation has continued to develop, for example in the area of conflict-related sexual violence. The CEDAW now has 187 State parties, making it the second most ratified human rights treaty after the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Its Optional Protocol has 104 States parties drawn from all regions of the world and the decisions it has generated have brought individual relief to many women and brought about profound policy and legislative change in many countries.

Yet women are still subject to discrimination and violence, to a shocking degree.

There have been tremendous advances in tackling impunity for international crimes over the past 20 years, in particular through the ad hoc tribunals such as those for Former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Cambodia, and the establishment of the International Criminal Court, the world’s first permanent tribunal with powers to prosecute suspected perpetrators of international crimes.

Yet here too, we still have a long way to go. The ICC can only become involved if the State concerned is among the 122 State Parties to the Rome Statute, or if a situation is referred to it by the Security Council. Two important situations – Darfur in 2008, and Libya in 2011 have been referred, but the Security Council has so far failed with regard to Syria, despite the repeated reports of widespread or systematic crimes and violations by my Office, the International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, civil society organizations and Special Procedures.

Again, despite the truly inspiring advances in combating impunity and ensuring accountability both at the international and national levels, including through transitional justice processes, there are still far too many people with command responsibility who escape justice for serious crimes and gross human rights violations. Hundreds of thousands of people have died in genocides in Rwanda and Bosnia and Herzegovina; the Palestinian territories are still occupied; massive violations have occurred in Iraq and Sri Lanka; and war crimes continue to be committed in numerous internal conflicts including those continuing in Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, Sudan and Syria. We must continue to nurture and strengthen the system designed to deal with such crimes and violations, and those who commit them. It is also critical that we in the international community do our utmost to prevent such situations from developing or deteriorating.

One of the most tangible outcomes of the VDPA is the world-wide recognition of national human rights institutions as key independent and authoritative protectors and promoters of human rights at the national, regional and global levels. Their number has rocketed from fewer than 10 at the beginning of the 1990s to 101 internationally accredited institutions today (including 71 with ‘A’ status).

At the Vienna Conference, I was representing a women’s rights civil society organization, and it is a matter of pride to me that NGOs played such a critical role at the World Conference, especially in pushing for the establishment of a High Commissioner’s Office with a strong and unequivocal mandate.

Since then, civil society has evolved and expanded, with many more active national human rights organizations around today than there were 20 years ago. These national human rights defenders are the heroes of our time. It is, therefore, a matter of great concern that so many State authorities continue to ignore or repress civil society organizations, human rights defenders and the media. These organizations and individuals inject the life blood into human rights: they are the promoters of change, the people who ring the alarm about abuse, poor legislation and creeping authoritarianism.

Nonetheless I continue to hear of brave human rights defenders, journalists or bloggers who have been threatened, harassed, arrested or killed because of their work on behalf of the human rights of others. Such intimidation has sometimes even occurred during the proceedings of this Council. We must never tolerate such pressure, or reprisals against those who rightly seek to engage the international human rights system.

Colleagues and friends,

The UN Human Rights system has also grown stronger since the Vienna Conference.

This Council began its work in 2006, replacing the Commission on Human Rights, which although controversial had laid the bedrock of our human rights system. The Council has gained credibility for its different modus operandi and in particular for its successful management of the first round of the Universal Periodic Review, which examined every UN Member State’s human rights record without exception. I urge all States to maintain this impressive record during the all-important second cycle. The Council has also been increasingly receptive to human rights situations, holding a succession of important Special Sessions and establishing Commissions of Inquiry and Fact-finding Missions.

In June 1993, there were just 26 Special Procedures with thematic or country-based mandates. Today there are 48 separate mandates with 72 experts appointed by the Council. The combination of independence, expertise and UN-bestowed authority is potent. It is critical that all Member States cooperate fully with the Special Procedures, including by accepting visits.

The human rights treaty bodies have also grown in number and weight. Two major new international treaties – on Persons with Disabilities and Disappearance – and nine important substantive and procedural Optional Protocols have been adopted since Vienna In 1993, the seven treaties and protocols had received 742 ratifications by States. That number has grown to 2010 State parties to 18 treaties and protocols. I urge States to accept more of these crucial treaties during this anniversary year. It would be a welcome development if every single State has become a member to the CRC and CEDAW by the end of 2013.

The Office of the High Commissioner, one of the most tangible legacies of Vienna, has grown from a small entity of just over 100 staff and a presence in two countries outside Geneva, to more than 1,000 staff and 58 field presences worldwide. Yet we continue to receive many requests for assistance that we are unable to satisfy. We could – and I am convinced that we should – continue to grow and mature in order to carry out fully our mandate to promote and protect the human rights of everyone everywhere.

For that to happen, we need your further support, and in particular we need a higher, more realistic and more sustainable level of funding. I am convinced that, collectively, we are failing to devote nearly enough human and financial resources to come even close to fulfilling the aspirations of the Universal Declaration, the Vienna outcome and each and every session of this Council. In other words, while we fully recognize the crucial importance of human rights to the development of a global civilization that now comprises more than seven billion people, we are failing to match our stated aims and established obligations with the necessary concrete commitment.

I urge you then to advance the implementation of the many remarkable international laws and standards that have been developed since the Universal Declaration laid down the basic framework in 1948, and the subsequent vigorous boost provided by the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action.

The 20th anniversary of the Vienna Conference and its Declaration coincides with another round of unforeseen global upheavals that provide both enormous challenges and significant opportunities. I am of course referring not just to the tumultuous events that have occurred in the Middle East and North Africa over the past two years, and to the situation in the Sahel region but also to the massive global financial and economic crises and threats to the environment, that have made the increased focus on economic, social and cultural rights especially relevant.

Today more than ever, we must learn from the past, as well as take pride in our very real achievements over the past 20 years.

In 1993, the world community recommitted itself to fight for human rights for all. Vienna marked a chapter in a human rights revolution that had begun almost half a century earlier with the adoption of the Universal Declaration. Hundreds of millions more people today are able to exercise their human rights without interference thanks to the actions taken on the basis of the commitments outlined in the Vienna Declaration. Our task, as heirs of Vienna, is to extend these benefits to every last person on earth — especially the most marginalized and those most at risk of violence, exploitation and discrimination. For while the past twenty years have seen extraordinary progress, we should never forget that there have been those who have been left behind – migrants, older persons, religious and ethnic minorities, people persecuted because of their sexual orientation and gender identity, to name just a few. Our work here will not be done until the promise of the Vienna Declaration is made real for everyone – no exceptions, no excuses.

I wish you a productive 22nd session and assure you of my, and my hard-working and dedicated staff’s, readiness to assist you in any way we can.

Thank you, Mr. President.

Source: Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

රුපියල් 58000ක ටෙනිස් බෝලයක් බෝගම්බරට වැටේ

බෝගම්බර සිර ගෙදරට අද ටෙනිස් බෝලයක් වැටුණේය. එහි හෙරොයින් පැකට් 196ක් අසුරා තිබිණි.

සිරකරුවනට විකිණීම සඳහා වන මේ කුඩු ජාවාරම කෙරෙනුයේ ජංගම දුරකතනයෙන් බවත්, කුඩුවල ගාස්තුව සිරකරුවන්ගේ නෑයන්ගෙන් කල්තියාම එකතුකරගන්නා බවත් දැනගන්නට ඇත.

ටෙනිස් බෝලයේ කුඩු පැකට්ටුවක මිල රුපියල් 300ක් බව ද, බෝලය අසුලා ගැනීමට සිටි ‘පුද්ගලයා‘ ඒ අවස්ථාවේ නොසිටීම නිසා වෙනත් අයකු අතට පත් වී ඇති බව ද දැනගන්නට ඇත.

සිරකරුවන්ගේ නෑයන් මෙම කුඩු පැකට් වෙනුවෙන් කුඩු සැපයුම්කරුට වැය කර ඇති මුදල රුපියල් 58800ක් බව වාර්තාවේ.

Source: Lankadeepa (Sri Lanka)

Dhoni creates history as India gains control

M.S. Dhoni gave an exhibition of blistering strokeplay to hit a career-best undefeated 206 while Virat Kohli cracked 107 as India rode on their captain’s batting brilliance to gain control of the first cricket Test against Australia by taking a substantial 135-run first innings lead in Chennai on Sunday.

Dhoni produced a stunning counter-attacking knock to notch up his maiden double hundred, his sixth Test century overall, while Kohli recorded his fourth in longer format as the hosts reached a commanding 515 for eight at close, on an eventful third day’s play.

The Indian captain set the M.A. Chidambaram stadium ablaze with his amazing strokeplay as he smashed 22 boundaries and five sixes during his 243-ball assault much to the delight of a sizeable Sunday crowd which cheered the Indians as they went about consolidating their position in the match.

Dhoni, who was agonisingly run out for 99 against England in India last Test in Nagpur, changed the complexion of the game with his aggressive batting after the hosts lost Sachin Tendulkar (81) early in the morning session. Tendulkar, who gave glimpses of his vintage form yesterday, could add just ten runs to his tally.

The Indians found the going a little tough in the pre-lunch session as the runs dried up but the second new ball saw the game slipping away from the Australians as both Dhoni and Kohli attacked the bowlers with an array of shots on both sides of the wicket.

The duo added 128 runs for the fifth wicket before off-spinner Nathan Lyon provided the breakthrough for the visitors with India still 56 runs short of Australia’s first innings total.

Dhoni then took centrestage and virtually singlehandedly took India to a position of strength with a superb batting display in hot and humid conditions.

After Kohli’s dismissal, India lost another three wickets in periodic intervals as Ravindra Jadeja (16), Ravichandran Ashwin (3) and Harbhajan Singh (11) were back in the pavilion.

However Bhuvneshwar Kumar (15*) complemented his skipper really well as they put on a record 109 runs for ninth wicket partnership against Australia.

The 31-year-old Dhoni recorded the highest score by an Indian wicket keeper, eclipsing Budhi Kundaran previous best of 192 scored against England in 1964 at Madras Corporation Stadium.

Dhoni also surpassed 4000 Test runs during his game-changing knock.

With couple of days left in the match, India will look to increase their lead as much as possible and then try to push for victory by bundling out the Aussies cheaply in the second innings as the track is expected to deteriorate gradually.

Source: The Island (Sri Lanka)

Quality certificate for non-alcoholic foods, beverages?

Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka yesterday said his ministry and the All Ceylon Buddhist Congress are on the process of introducing a new food quality certificate for non-alcoholic foods and beverages in Sri Lanka.

“We are discussing this with the Sri Lanka Standards (SLS) institution to introduce the quality certificate. And the certification system won’t be a controversial since we can find non-vegetarian and non-alcoholic consumers in all communities in the country,” he said.

Source: Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

2013 බැඩ්මින්ටන් පළමු රන් පදක්‌කම දිනූක කරුණාරත්නගෙන්

උගන්ඩාවේ කම්පාලා නුවර පැවැත්වෙන උගන්ඩා ජාත්‍යන්තර බැඩ්මින්ටන් තරගාවලියේ පිරිමි කේවල ඉසව්වේ රන් පදක්‌කම දිනා ගැනීමට ශ්‍රී ලංකා ක්‍රීඩක දිනූක කරුණාරත්න ඊයේ (24 දා) සමත්වූවේය.

ලන්ඩන් ඔලිම්පික්‌ තරගාවලියට තරග වැදීමට වරම් ලද ජාතික ශූර නිලුක කරුණාරත්නගේ බාලම සොහොයුරා වන දිනූක කරුණාරත්න අදාළ අවසන් මහ තරගයේදී ඉන්දීය ක්‍රීඩක සුබන්ඩා ඩේ පරාජයට පත් කරමින් අදාළ රන් පදක්‌කමට හිමිකම් කීවේය.

මිනිත්තු 30 ක කාලයක්‌ පුරා විහිදුණු මෙම තරගාවලියේදී තරග වට 2-0 ක්‌ ලෙස විශිෂ්ඨ ජයක්‌ වාර්තා කිරීමට දිනූක සමත්විය. එහිදී ලකුණු තත්ත්වය සටහන් වූයේ ලකුණු 21-16 ක්‌ සහ 21-17 ක්‌ වශයෙනි.

අර්ධ අවසන් තරගයේදී ඉතාලි ජාතික ටේ්‍රසියෝව ලකුණු 21-18 ක්‌ සහ 21-14 ක්‌ වශයෙන් මිනිත්තු 29 ක්‌ තුළදී තරග වට 2-0 ක්‌ ලෙසින් පරාජයට පත් කරමින් අවසන් මහ තරග අවස්‌ථාව දිනා ගත් දිනූක රන් පදක්‌කම දක්‌වා පැමිණි ගමනේ මුහුණ දුන් සෑම තරගයකදීම තරග වට 2-0 ක්‌ ලෙස ජය ලැබීමද කැපී පෙනෙන සිදුවීමක්‌ විය.

2013 වසර ආරම්භයේ සිට මෙතෙක්‌ පැවැති තරගවලදී ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට හිමිවූ පළමු රන් පදක්‌කම මෙම පදක්‌කම වීමද විශේෂත්වයක්‌ වේ. (චමිල කරවිට)

Source: Divaina (Sri Lanka)

ලංකා ඛනිජ තෙල් නීතිගත සංස්‌ථාව ගිය වසරේ පාඩුව බිලියන 89යි

පසුගිය වසරේ පමණක්‌ ලංකා ඛනිජ තෙල් නීතිගත සංස්‌ථාව රුපියල් බිලියන 89 ක පාඩුවක්‌ ලැබූ බවත් තවදුරටත් මෙරට පවතින ආර්ථික ක්‍රමය හමුවේ ඛනිජ තෙල් සහනාධාරයක්‌ ලබාදීමට හැකියාවක්‌ නැති බවත් ඛනිජ තෙල් කර්මාන්ත ඇමැති අනුර ප්‍රියදර්ශන යාපා මහතා පෙරේදා (23 දා) පැවසීය.

ලංකා විදුලිබල මණ්‌ඩලයෙන් රුපියල් බිලියන 38 ක මුදලක්‌ද, දුම්රිය දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවෙන් රුපියල් බිලියන 5 ක්‌ ද අයවිය යුතුව ඇතැයි ද ඒ අනුව දිගින් දිගටම සංස්‌ථාව ලබන පාඩුව තවදුරටත් දරාගත නොහැකි බවත් පවතින වාතාවරණය යටතේ ජනතාවට අවම බලපෑමක්‌ වන අයුරින් ඉන්ධන මිල ඉහළ දැමූ බවත් ඇමැතිවරයා එහිදී පැවසීය.

ඉන්ධන බෙදාහැරීමේදී නොයෙකුත් වංචනික ක්‍රියා සිදුවන බවට තම අමාත්‍යාංශයට පැමිණිලි ලැබී ඇති බවත් ඒ අනුව ඉදිරියේදී රාජ්‍ය ආයතනවලට ඉන්ධන නිකුත් කිරීමේදී නව ක්‍රමවේදයක්‌ සැලසුම් කර ඇතැයි ද ඒ මහතා වැඩිදුරටත් පැවසීය.(සචිත්‍ර ඇල්වලගේ)

Source: Divaina (Sri Lanka)


Report on SL handed over to Ban

An observation project report on Sri Lanka was handed over to UN Chief Ban Ki-moon at the UN Headquarters, New York on Friday, the Inner City Press reported,

Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations Palitha Kohona and four other Permanent Representatives including Japan’s Permanent Representative Tsuneo Nishida, who led the observation visit to Sri Lanka last December, have handed over the report.

During the handing over event, Nishida told Ban that “Sri Lanka is an important country” and “this morning we would like to present our report,” the media report stated.

Meanwhile, in response to a question, the UN has said:

“The Secretary-General today (Friday) met with H.E. Mr. Tsuneo Nishida, Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, together with other representatives (Bangladesh, Nigeria, Romania, Sri Lanka and Columbia University) who participated in a Observation Project visit to Sri Lanka in December 2012.

“As the Chairman of the delegation, Ambassador Nishida presented the report of the Observation Project, which included an assessment of the progress undertaken by the Government of Sri Lanka on post-war issues, including on the implementation of the recommendations of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission.

The Secretary-General recognised the important steps taken by the Government of Sri Lanka since the end of the conflict and strongly underlined the need to address the remaining challenges, particularly on issues relating to reconciliation and accountability.  He highlighted the important need for the Government to work constructively with the international community toward that end.”

Watch video:

Source: Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

උතුරු මැද ආයුර්වේද කොමසාරිස්‌ට ඇසිඩ් ප්‍රහාරයක්‌ “ඔහු අවංකව රාජකාරි ඉටුකළ නිලධාරියෙක්‌”

උතුරුමැද පළාත් ආයුර්වේද කොමසාරිස්‌ වෛද්‍ය එල්. සී. යූ. කුමාර අල්විස්‌ මහතාගේ නිල නිවසට ඊයේ (22 වැනිදා) අලුයම 4.50 ට පමණ පැමිණි නාඳුනන පුද්ගලයන් දෙදෙනකු ඒ මහතාට ඇසිඩ් ප්‍රහාරයක්‌ එල්ලකර පලා ගොස්‌ ඇත.

ඇසිඩ් ප්‍රහාරයෙන් ඒ මහතාගේ මුහුණ සහ පපු ප්‍රදේශය දරුණු ලෙස පිළිස්‌සුම් තුවාල සිදුවී ඇත. ප්‍රතිකාර සඳහා ඒ මහතා අනුරාධපුර ශික්‌ෂණ රෝහලට ඇතුළත් කරනු ලැබුණු අතර, අනතුරුව දෑස්‌වලට සිදුවී ඇති තුවාලවලට ප්‍රතිකාර කිරීම සඳහා කොළඹ ඇස්‌ රෝහල වෙත රැගෙන යන ලදී.

ඉතාම නීතිගරුකව සිය රාජකාරිය අකුරටම ඉෂ්ට කරන නිලධාරියකු ලෙස ප්‍රසිද්ධියක්‌ උසුලන වෛද්‍ය කුමාර අල්විස්‌ මහතා අසරණ රෝගීන් වෙනුවෙන් සිය ජීවිතය කාලයම වෙන් කළ අයකු ලෙස කීර්තියක්‌ දිනා ඇත.

නීතිය අකුරටම ක්‍රියාත්මක කිරීම නිසා ඒ මහතා සමඟ උරුණ වූ කිසියම් පිරිසක්‌ මෙම ඇසිඩ් ප්‍රහාරය එල්ල කරන්නට ඇති බවට පොලිසිය සැක පහළ කරයි.

ප්‍රතිකාර ගැනීමට අසාධ්‍ය රෝගියකු පැමිණියහොත් දවසේ ඕනෑම වේලාවක ඒ සඳහා ඉදිරිපත් වීම අල්විස්‌ මහතාගේ ප්‍රතිපත්තියක්‌ බව ආයුර්වේද රෝහල් කාර්ය මණ්‌ඩලය පවසයි.

ඊයේ අළුයම 4.50 ට පමණ ඒ මහතාට ඇසිඩ් ප්‍රහාරය එල්ල කළ පුද්ගලයන් ද නිල නිවසට පැමිණ ඇත්තේ ප්‍රතිකාර ගැනීම සඳහා රෝගියකු රැගෙන ආ බව කියමින්ය.

ඇසිඩ් ප්‍රහාරය එල්ලවූ අවස්‌ථාවේ කුමාර අල්විස්‌ මහතාගේ බිරිඳ වන වෛද්‍ය අල්විස්‌ මහත්මිය ද නිවසේ සිට ඇත.

දැඩි ලෙස පිළිස්‌සුම් තුවාල ලබා විලාප නගමින් සිටි අල්විස්‌ මහතා වහාම අනුරාධපුර ශික්‌ෂණ රෝහල වෙත රැගෙන යැමට ඇය කටයුතු කර තිබේ. පරීක්‍ෂණවලින් හෙළිවූයේ මෙම ඇසිඩ් ප්‍රහාරය එල්ල කළ පුද්ගලයන් දෙදෙනා පෙරේදා (21 වැනිදා) රාත්‍රි 9.00 ට පමණ නිල නිවසට පැමිණ වෛද්‍යවරයා පිළිබඳව එහි සිටි සේවිකාවකගෙන් විමසා ඇති බවයි.

ඒ අවස්‌ථාවේ වෛද්‍ය අල්විස්‌ මහතා සිය බිරිඳ සහ දරුවන් සමඟ කොළඹ ගොස්‌ සිට ඇත. අල්විස්‌ මහතා එදින මධ්‍යම රාත්‍රියේ සිය බිරිඳ සහ දරුවන් සමඟ අනුරාධපුරයේ නිල නිවස වෙත පැමිණ තිබේ. ඊයේ අලුයම 4.50 ට පමණ අනුරාධපුර නගරයේ පිහිටි ආයුර්වේද දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවට අයත් නිල නිවසේ වෛද්‍ය අල්විස්‌ මහතා නිදා සිටියදී පැමිණ ඇති සාහසිකයන් දෙදෙනා දොරට තට්‌ටුකර වෛද්‍යවරයා අවදි කර ඇත.

ඒ අවස්‌ථාවේ සිය නිල නිවසේ දොර විවෘත කර ඔවුන් දෙදෙනාට නිවස ඇතුළට පැමිණ අසුන් ගන්නා ලෙස අල්විස්‌ මහතා කළ දැනුම් දීමකට අනුව එක්‌ අයකු එහි ඇතුළු වී අසුන්ගෙන තමන් ආ කාරණය පිළිබඳව වෛද්‍යවරයාට පවසා තිබේ.

ඔවුන් එසේ කතා බස්‌ කරමින් සිටියදී කිසියම් දුගඳක්‌ වහනය වීම නිසා “මොකක්‌ද ගඳක්‌ එනවා” යෑයි වෛද්‍යවරයා පවසා ඇත. ඒ අවස්‌ථාවේ ක්‍රියාත්මක වී ඇති නිවසින් පිටත සිටි සාහසික පුද්ගලයා නිවස තුළට කඩා වැදී එක්‌වරම වෛද්‍යවරයාගේ මුහුණට ඇසිඩ් ප්‍රහාරය එල්ල කර ඇත.

මෙම සිද්ධිය සම්බන්ධයෙන් අනුරාධපුර පොලිසිය වෛද්‍ය අල්විස්‌ මහතාගෙන්, ඔහුගේ බිරිඳගෙන්, දරුවන්ගෙන් සහ සේවිකාවකගෙන් කටඋත්තර ලබාගෙන තිබේ.

ඇසිඩ් ප්‍රහාරය කව්රුන් විසින් එල්ල කළේ ද යන්න මෙතෙක්‌ හෙළිවී නැත.

උතුරු මැද පළාත භාර ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ නියෝජ්‍ය පොලිස්‌පති ජගත් අබේසිරි ගුණවර්ධන මහතාගේ පූර්ණ අධීක්‍ෂණය යටතේ සිද්ධිය සම්බන්ධයෙන් පරීක්‍ෂණ පැවැත්වීම සඳහා පොලිස්‌ කණ්‌ඩායමක්‌ යොදවා ඇත.

ආයුර්වේද කොමසාරිස්‌වරයාගේ නිවසේ සේවිකාව මෙම ඇසිඩ් ප්‍රහාරය පිළිබඳව මෙසේ පැවසුවාය.

පාන්දර 4.30 ට විතර බෙහෙත් ගන්න කියලා පිරිමි දෙන්නෙක්‌ මහත්තයට ටෙලිෙµdaන් කරලා ගෙදරට ආවා. මහත්තයා දොර ඇරලා ඒ අයට වාඩි වෙන්න කිව්වා. හෙල්මට්‌ දෙකත් අරගෙන ආපු පිරිමි දෙන්නා වාඩිවෙලා මහත්තයා සමඟ කතා කරමින් සිටියා. නෝනයි බබාලා දෙන්නයි ගේ ඇතුළේ හිටියේ.

මහත්තයා කෑ ගැහැව්වා. එතකොට අර මිනිස්‌සු දෙන්නා ඇසිඩ් ගහලා පැනලා දිව්වා. අපේ නෝනාත් දොස්‌තර කෙනෙක්‌. එයා ඉක්‌මනට මහත්තයාව ඇල්වතුරෙන් සේදුවා. මහත්තයාගේ මූණ, පපුව, අතක්‌ පුරාම ඇසිඩ් ගලා ගියා. ඇස්‌ දෙක වහගෙන මහත්තයා වේදනාවෙන් කෙඳිරි ගෑවා. නෝනා මහත්තයාව වත්තන් කරගෙන පයින්ම නිවසට යාබදව පිහිsටි අනුරාධපුර මහ රෝහලට ඇතුළු කළා.

දවස්‌ ගණනක්‌ ඉඳලා ටෙලිෙµdaන් කරලා මාතර ඉඳලා ලෙඩෙක්‌ ගේනවා කිව්වා කියලා මහත්තයා නෝනාට කිව්වා.

මහත්තයා පෙරේදා (21 දා) කොළඹ ඉඳලා පාන්දර ගෙදර ආවේ. පාන්දර 4.00 ට විතර ඒ මිනිස්‌සු ගෙදර ඉස්‌සරහට ඇවිත් ටෙලිෙµdaන් කරලා තමයි ඇවිත් මේ අපරාධය කරලා තියෙන්නේ.

වෛද්‍ය කුමාර අල්විස්‌ මහතා උතුරු මැද පළාත් ආයුර්වේද කොමසාරිස්‌ ධුරයේ රාජකාරි කරන අතර තුර අනුරාධපුර ආයුර්වේද රෝහලේ පංචකර්ම රෝගීන් භාරව කටයුතු කළ අතර අඟහරුවාදා, බ්‍රහස්‌පතින්දා සහ සෙනසුරාදා, දිනවල දවස පුරාම එහි පළමුවෙනි වාට්‌ටුවේ සුවිශේෂී රෝගීන්ට ප්‍රතිකාර කිරීමෙහි යෙදී තිබේ.

පංචකර්ම චිකිත්සා ක්‍රමය ජනප්‍රිය වීම නිසා විශාල රෝගීන් පිරිසක්‌ රෝහල්ගතව ඒ මහතාගෙන් ප්‍රතිකාර ලබා ගැනීමට පැමිණ ඇත.

වෛද්‍ය අල්විස්‌ මහතාට සිදු කළ අපරාධය පිළිබඳව ආයුර්වේද රෝහලේ රෝගීන් මෙන්ම කාර්ය මණ්‌ඩලයද දැඩි කම්පාවට පත්ව සිටිති.

මෙම සිද්ධිය පිළිබඳව උතුරු මැද පළාත් භාර ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ නියෝජ්‍ය පොලිස්‌පති ජගත් අබේසිරි ගුණවර්ධන, නියෝජ්‍ය පොලිස්‌පති රංජිත් පත්මසිරි, අනුරාධපුර පොලිස්‌ අධිකාරි මහේෂ් සේනාරත්න යන මහත්වරුන්ගේ උපදෙස්‌ මත අනුරාධපුර මූලස්‌ථාන ප්‍රධාන පොලිස්‌ පරීක්‍ෂක ඩබ්ලිව්. ඒ. ජී. කේ. තිස්‌ස විතාරණ මහතාගේ මෙහෙයවීමෙන් අපරාධ විමර්ශන අංශයේ ස්‌ථානාධිපති පොලිස්‌ පරීක්‍ෂක කුමාරසේන මහතා ඇතුළු නිලධාරීන් කණ්‌aඩායමක්‌ සහ පොලිස්‌ දෙපාර්තමේන්=වේ බුද්ධි තොරතුරු ඒකක කීපයක්‌ වෙන් වෙන්ව පරීක්‍ෂණ කටයුතු ආරම්භකොට ඇත.

ඡායාරූප- පර්සි කුරුනේරු, සිරිල් බස්‌නායක

Source: Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)
Image courtesy of Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Govt. politicians openly violating the law: UNP

United National Party (UNP) Vice President , who referred to the controversial transfer of Moneragala District DIG M.R. Latheef said yesterday government politicians were openly violating the law and pointed out that the repeal of the 17th Amendment had resulted in the police service losing its independence.

“Even in the case of the brutal killing of the monk at Egodauyana, political pressure from politicians had prevented the police from acting on the several complaints made by the monk. This is the unfortunate situation in this country,” he said.

Mr. Kiriella said the 17th amendment ensured an independent police service but its repeal had brought the under the Executive.

“The 17th Amendment ensured an independent police force with little or no room for political interference. Now it’s selective justice that is being meted out because duty conscious and honest police officers end up succumbing to severe pressure by corrupt officials. This is a very unfortunate and dangerous situation,” he said.

Earlier top police sources alleged that the controversial transfer of DIG M.R. Latheef from the Moneragala Police Division was prompted by an incident involving the arrest of illegal sand miners connected to Minister Sumedha Jayasena of the Moneragala District. (Hafeel Farisz)

Source: Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Halal separation not practical: JHU

While commending the statement made by the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU) to separate Halal and non Halal certificated goods, the Jathika Hela Urumaya today said such a separation would not work in practice.

Pointing out the facts in the standard operation procedure for Halal Certification published for the Product Sector, JHU General Secretary and Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka told a news conference that ACJU guideline showed whole procedure of Halal certification should not blend together with any of the other non Halal items.

“According to their standards for creating Halal food, the ingredients should be Halal. Handling, process, transportation, machineries, equipment and storage all should be done separately. Even the workers in a non Halal section of a factory can’t interact with the Halal section. And the two products should come in different colours,” the minister said.“Their statement is not as innocent as it seems.

The guideline says it all. We do not want a separation in society.”  (Jayashika Pathmasiri and Lahiru Pothmulla)

Source: Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Lankans don’t like juniors playing IPL: Jayasuriya

Former Sri Lanka captain and present chief selector Sanath Jayasuriya feels that it will be better if junior Sri Lankan players are kept away from IPL although it remains an “individual decision”.

The dashing opener feels that Sri Lankan people don’t like young players participating in the IPL because they adopt different technique which is detrimental to their game.

“However, experienced cricketers playing in IPL is infact good. But it is left to individual player’s discretion which of the two games is better for him,” he added.

Jayasuriya said that the national captaincy has been handed over to Angelo Mathews for the smooth transition of the team.

“We have picked up some young players and also appointed Angelo Mathews and Dinesh Chandimal as captain and vice-captain for smoother transition of the team. We need to get youngsters groomed by playing alongside senior players, before they quit,” the prolific opener of yester years told mediapersons on the sidelines of a promotional event for the Sri Lanka tourism.

“In few years time, Kumar Sangakkara, Tillekratne Dilshan Thilan Samaraweera and Mahela Jayawardene will not be there on the scene,” he stated.

Asked why Sri Lanka hardly win matches overseas, Jayasuriya said it was unfortunate that the team lost in recently concluded Australia series, but they played well in the third Test at Sydney.

“There is a need to concentrate more on Test cricket and strengthen the bowling department,” Jayasuriya said adding that the selectors have picked up Chaminda Vaas as Sri Lanka’s bowling coach.

 Source: Press Trust of India

“අපි ලෑස්‌තියි” මහින්ද සමරසිංහ ඇතුළු පිරිස අනිද්දා ජිනීවා යති

එක්‌සත් ජාතීන්ගේ මානව හිමිකම් සමුළුවට සහභාගි වීම සඳහා වැවිලි කර්මාන්ත ඇමැති මහින්ද සමරසිංහ මහතාගේ නායකත්වයෙන් යුතු ශ්‍රී ලංකා නියෝජිත කණ්‌ඩායම අනිද්දා (25 වැනිදා) ජිනීවා බලා පිටත්ව යනු ඇත.

පෙරේදා (21 වැනිදා) රාත්‍රියේ පැවැති ඇමැති මණ්‌ඩල රැස්‌වීමෙන් අනතුරුව ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතා විසින් වැවිලි කර්මාන්ත ඇමැති මහින්ද සමරසිංහ මහතා ජිනීවා මානව හිමිකම් සමුළුව නියෝජනය කරන ශ්‍රී ලංකා නියෝජිත කණ්‌ඩායමේ නායකයා ලෙස පත් කරනු ලැබ තිබේ.

ඇමැති මහින්ද සමරසිංහ මහතා සමග නීතිපති දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ සුහද ගම්ලත්, ශමීන්ද්‍ර ප්‍රනාන්දු ඒ. එච්. එම් ඩී. නවාස්‌, බුවනෙක අලුවිහාරේ, ජනක්‌ ද සිල්වා යන මහත්වරු ද විදේශ කටයුතු අමාත්‍යාංශයේ මධුක වික්‍රමආරච්චි, නෙරින් පුල්ලේ මහත්වරුන් සහ දිළිණි ගුණසේකර මහත්මිය ද වැවිලි කර්මාන්ත අමාත්‍යාංශයේ නිශාන් මුතුක්‍රිෂ්ණ මහතා ද ජිනීවා බලා පිටත්වෙති.

මෙම සමුළුව අනිද්දා (25 වැනිදා) ජිනීවාහිදී ආරම්භ වන අතර 27 වැනිදා බදාදා ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ වේලාවෙන් සවස 4.20 ට ඇමැති මහින්ද සමරසිංහ මහතා සමුළුව ඇමතීමට නියමිතය.

නවිපිල්ලේ විසින් ඉදිරිපත් කරන ලද යෝජනා 13 සම්බන්ධයෙන් ද එහිදී ඇමැතිවරයා සමුළුව හමුවේ කරුණු ඉදිරිපත් කරනු ඇත.

මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් “දිවයින” කළ විමසීමකදී ඇමැති මහින්ද සමරසිංහ මහතා පැවසුවේ ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට එරෙහිව කුමන ආකාරයේ අභියෝග එල්ල වුවත් ඒ සියල්ල උදෙසා රට වෙනුවෙන් පෙනී සිටීමට සූදානම් බවයි.

Source: Divaina (Sri Lanka)

Gota rubbishes Channel 4 photos

Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa yesterday rejecting the photographs displayed by Channel 4 television station of UK which is alleged to be of Prabhakaran’s youngest son Balachandran, questioned as to how Channel 4 could say that he is in a bunker with the military by only looking at the pictures which do not indicate anything related to the military.

“They always cut and put these pictures which they have being doing for quite sometime. Who took these pictures? They never talk about the children killed by the LTTE and also about child soldiers who were trained to go on suicide missions as well as to munch a cyanide capsule,” he charged.

When questioned whether the Military had any information about the deaths of Prabhakaran’s family, he said that himself, the President and Sarath Fonseka were informed of such, only when those who were in the field had found their bodies.

“It was a battle field not Manhattan Street. So we did not go the next day soon after defeating the LTTE, searching for bodies. We went to some areas after a few days, a week later and to some areas even after a month,” he said.

“Most of the bodies found around the Nandikadal Lagoon were highly decomposed and badly wounded. Therefore it was difficult to establish the identity of each and every individual. You know that we could not even find the body of the most wanted LTTE Intelligence Chief Pottu Amman, who we know died during the battle,” he noted.

Finally when questioned as to how the government will respond to such allegations which continues to surface from time to time, he said that the Defence Ministry conducted a number of analysis along with census, which provided correct and accurate information.

“These people come with the same allegation in a different manner. The LTTE network cannot collect money now so they do these kinds of things. Who is behind such things, people like Fr.  Emmanuelle who has even posed for pictures with Prabhakaran and they still want to divide the country,” he noted.
He said that people know what the government has done before 2009 and after 2009. We lost 6000 soldiers and officers between 2005-2009 and after all people in North and East knows what they can enjoy now.

“Anyone can walk freely in those areas even the President can, he went on the road when he recently visited North. You know that we can do ten surgeries at once at the Jaffna Teaching Hospital, these are the facts that people who accuse us needs to know,” he added.

“Not even the TNA could go to those areas. Now anyone can go. Those who are accusing us should also know that we did not punish any LTTE cadre who surrendered to us. We are educating Soosai’s children and they are being looked after by the Navy- which was always targeted by Soosai as he was leader of the LTTE Sea Tiger wing,” he noted.

“I have told the US Ambassador about what we have done and achieved throughout the last couple of years by emphasizing the fact that we need to look into the future,” Defence Secretary Rajapaksa said. (Supun Dias)

Source: Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

CB expects IMF to raise economy growth forecast

The Sri Lankan central bank expects the International Monetary Fund to raise its growth projection for the island nation, a top official said on Thursday.

Central Bank of Sri Lanka Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal reiterated that he expects the economy to grow 7.5 percent in 2013, higher than IMF’s projection of 6 percent.

Cabraal was speaking to reporters in Mumbai on sidelines of a conference on attracting more investments into Sri Lanka.

Last week, the IMF painted a grim picture of the Sri Lankan economy due to risks from high inflation, lower tax revenue and slow structural reforms, and projected the economy to grow slower than the central bank’s forecast.(Reuters)

Vaas stresses on hard work

Former fast bowler Chaminda Vaas, who was appointed the new fast bowling coach of the national cricket team for a period of two years, says one of his main targets is to build up a strong set of fast bowlers for the national team. Vaas, the second highest wicket taker for Sri Lanka in Test and ODI cricket, felt that the team needed six top bowlers to excel in the international stage.

“One of the main things I want to work on is to ensure that we have six solid fast bowlers. That will give us the strength. Currently we have two or three, but we need more than that,” Vaas told The Island after conducting his first session with the players and then speaking to Sri Lanka’s support staff.

There has been a recent trend where several Sri Lankan fast bowlers have been injured and Vaas felt that one of the main reasons for this was lack of communication. “One reason for that is lack of communication. There needs to be good communication between fast bowlers, the coach, and physiotherapist. You have to tell the bowlers to bring to our notice if there’s any injury or niggles,” Vaas explained.

“This has to be a collective effort. Coaches, trainers, physiotherapists and everyone has to contribute. We need to look at things like nutrition and the workload and how much of rest each fast bowler gets and recovery sessions and so on.”

“Looking from outside, it seems like there’s lack of hard work. Most people tend to take short cuts. Some tend to play an IPL, earn the money and take it easy. But there can’t be short cuts for success,” Vaas added.

Last September, Vaas ended his first class career at the end of English county season. He was contracted with Northamptonshire. After ending the first class career that stretched for over two decades, Vaas was a surprise choice as coach when the New Zealanders were in Sri Lanka last year for a Test series.

The series was drawn 1-1, but New Zealand’s seam trio of Trent Boult, Tim Southee and Doug Bracewell troubled Sri Lanka’s batsmen with both the old and new ball. At the end of the series, New Zealand captain Ross Taylor said tips from Vaas on how to bowl in Sri Lankan conditions had been extremely helpful for Kiwi bowlers.

by Rex Clementine
Source: The Island (Sri Lanka)

No Lankan players in Tamil Nadu: Jayalalithaa

Amid protests over the alleged brutal killing of slain LTTE chief V. Prabhakaran’s son, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa on Thursday called off the 20th Asian Athletics Championships scheduled to be held Chennai  in July, saying Sri Lankan players have no place in the State.

Ms. Jayalalithaa said her government had written to the Asian Athletics Association in Singapore seeking that Sri Lankan team be desisted from participation considering the “sentiments” of the people in Tamil Nadu, as the Sri Lankan government was “repeatedly acting against the ethnic minorities”.

The decision comes a day after Ms. Jayalalithaa slammed the Sri Lankan government over the “inhuman act” of alleged cold blooded killing of 12-year-old Balachandran by the Sri Lankan Army, which has also evoked a strong condemnation from various political parties in Tamil Nadu including DMK.

The sporting body had been requested to intimate to the Sri Lankan government in the appropriate way the State government decision, Ms. Jayalalithaa said.

“It had been requested that they update us on the follow-up action with copies of the letter sent to Secretaries of Union External Affairs and Sports Ministries. But there has been no information from the Association so far.”

“Since there has been no favourable response from the Asian Athletics Association, my government will at no cost accept holding the event, in which Sri Lanka is also participating, in Tamil Nadu. Tamils also will never accept it,” she said in a statement.

The upcoming sporting event will not be conducted by Tamil Nadu government in any part of the State and the Association will be asked to hold it elsewhere, she said.

She reiterated her charge that the killing of Balachandran was “a grave war-crime which cannot be forgiven”.

Source: PTI

ඉස්‌ලාම් නොවන්නන් මිලට ගන්නා භාණ්‌ඩවලට ‘හලාල්’ එපා – සමස්‌ත ලංකා මුස්‌ලිම් විද්වත් සංගමය කියයි

ඉස්‌ලාම් නොවන අන්‍ය ආගමිකයන්ට විකුණන භාණ්‌ඩ සඳහා හලාල් සහතිකය භාවිත කිරීමෙන් වැළකී සිටින ලෙස සමස්‌ත ලංකා මුස්‌ලිම් ආගමික විද්වතුන්ගේ සංගමය හලාල් සහතික ලත් සියලුම ආයතනවලින් ඉල්ලා සිටී.

එමෙන්ම හලාල් සහතික කරන ක්‍රියාදාමය මුස්‌ලිම්වරුන්ට පමණක්‌ විකිණීම සඳහා යොදා ගන්නා ලෙසද එම සංගමය ඉල්ලා සිටී.

හලාල් සහතිකය සම්බන්ධයෙන් රටේ උද්ගත වී ඇති නොසන්සුන්කාරී වාතාවරණය සමතයකට පත්කර ගැනීමේ අදහසින් සහ ජාතීන් අතර සාමය, සමගිය ආරක්‍ෂාකර ගැනීමේ අධිෂ්ඨානයෙන් තම සංගමය මුස්‌ලිම් විද්වතුන්, අන්‍යාගමික භක්‌තිකයන්, දේශපාලන නායකයන් මෙන්ම රජයේ හා ආරක්‍ෂක අමාත්‍යාංශයේ ලේකම් ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතා ඇතුළු ඉහළ නිලධාරීන් සමඟ මේ පිළිබඳ සාකච්ඡා පැවැත්වූ බවත් එම සංගමය සඳහන් කරයි.

අදාළ හලාල් සහතික කරන ක්‍රමවේදය මුස්‌ලිම් ජනයාට පමණක්‌ සීමා වූ ක්‍රියාදාමයක්‌ බවද අවධාරණය කරන එම සංගමය මව්බිමේ සාමය සමගිය ප්‍රාර්ථනා කරන වගකීමක්‌ සහිත ආයතනයක්‌ ලෙස මෙම තීරණයන්ට එළැඹි බවද ප්‍රකාශ කරයි. (රනිල් ධර්මසේන)

Source: Divaina (Sri Lanka)


HRH the Prince of Wales, President of the British Asian Trust, announced the new appointments to the British Asian Trust’s Advisory Councils, at the 5th anniversary dinner of the Trust, held at Windsor Castle on Monday 11th February.  Mr Mukesh Ambani – Managing Director and Chairman of Reliance Industries, was appointed to head the Trust’s India Advisory Council, and Dr. Chris Nonis, Chairman of the Mackwoods Group and Sri Lankan High Commissioner to the UK was appointed to head the Trust’s Sri Lanka Advisory Council. They join Tom Singh, OBE, founder of New Look Fashion, who heads the Trust’s UK Advisory Council, and Arif Naqvi, founder and CEO of Abraaj Group, who heads the Trust’s Pakistan Advisory Council.

 The British Asian Trust is one of Prince Charles’ charities, founded in 2007, and is dedicated to help disadvantaged communities and rural upliftment through education, health and livelihood initiatives that generate self-sufficiency. The Trust has already touched the lives of more than 800,000 people across South Asia. The Advisory Councils are intended to provide the British Asian Trust with further in-country insight and assist with their rigorous selection of future projects.

HRH Prince Charles, during his speech to an audience of over 200 at the Trust’s Anniversary dinner, whilst announcing the Advisory Board appointments, said that “I am hugely grateful to Mukesh Ambani who has offered his support in India, also to Arif Naqvi in the lead in Pakistan, His Excellency Dr. Chris Nonis in Sri Lanka and Tom Singh here in the UK. We are incredibly lucky to have such important and supportive people.”

Dr. Chris Nonis stated that he was honoured to have been entrusted with this role, and that his experience in Medicine, Pan-Commonwealth development issues and International Affairs, Business, and Charitable work, will assist him in helping to realise the aims of the Trust.

AG directs CID to file charges against Duminda

The Attorney General advised today the CID to file charges against 13 suspects including parliamentarian Duminda Silva over the murder of Bharatha Lakshman Premachandra and two others in Kollonnawa.

Then the CID filed charges of murder, conspiracy, attempted murder and unlawful assembly with a common intention against the suspects before the Colombo Magistrates court today.

Counsel Upul Kumarapperuma appearing for Mr. Premachandra’s wife asked Court to issue warrants for the arrest of Parliamentarian Duminda Silva and D.M.P.J. Galaboda because the Magistrate had the Jurisdiction to do so.
President Counsel Hemantha Warnakulasuriya appearing for Duminda Silva said his client was a victim in the incident who had sustained deadly injuries to his skull. He said the doctors who treated him had asserted that at least another 18 months would be needed for his client to recover.
He said during the inquiry before the preceding Magistrate the counsel for Mr. Premachandra’s wife moved to issue warrants for the arrest of Duminda Silva which the court had declined.
Mr. Warnakulasuriya said t at this stage the court could not issue a warrant against Duminda Silva and moved for a longer date to hear the case as the prosecution has to go through a large number of documents and statements before filing the extracts in court.(TFT)

‘බාර් නවත්වන්න බැරි – දේශපාලකයන් හිතවතුන්ට හම්බ කිරීමට බාර් දෙන නිසා’ – අස්‌ගිරි මහානාහිමි

බාර් දීම නවත්වන්න බැරි දේශපාලකයන් නිසයි. දේශපාලකයන් ඔවුන්ගේ ආධාරකරුවන්ට හම්බ කරන්නට බාර් දෙනවා යි අස්‌ගිරි පාර්ශ්වයේ අතිපූජ්‍ය මහානායක අග්ගමහා පණ්‌ඩිත උඩුගම ශ්‍රී බුද්ධරක්‌වඛිත හිමියෝ ජාතික සංඝ සම්මේලනයේ නියෝජිත පිරිසකට ඊයේ (19 දා) පැවැසූහ.

මහනුවර ශ්‍රී දළදා මාලිගාව ආශ්‍රිත මහනුවර නගරයේ සුරාසල් වසා දැමීම සඳහා බල කරමින් ශ්‍රී දළදා මාලිගාවේදී පැවැති ආශිර්වාද පූජාවකට සහභාගි වූ ජාතික සංඝ සම්මේලනයේ නියෝජිත පිරිස තමන් වහන්සේ බැහැදුටු අවස්‌ථාවේ අස්‌ගිරි මහනාහිමියෝ එසේ පැවැසුහ.

ආශීර්වාද පූජාවට සහභාගි වූ පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී අතුරලියේ රතන හිමි ප්‍රමුඛ නියෝජිත පිරිස ශ්‍රී දළදා මාලිගාවේදී මහ නාහිමියන් බැහැ දකිමින් ශ්‍රී දළදා වහන්සේ වැඩ සිටින පූජා නගරය තුළ පවත්වාගෙන යන සුරාසල් නවයක්‌ වසා දැමීම සඳහා ජාතික සංඝ සම්මේලනය කරන ඉල්ලීමට ශක්‌තිය ලබා දෙන මෙන් ඉල්ලා සිටියහ.

අස්‌ගිරි මහනාහිමියෝ එහිදී මෙසේද පැවැසූහ.

“බාර් පවත්වා ගෙන යැම ගැන අපි කවදත් විරුද්ධයි. බාර් දෙන්නේ දේශපාලකයන් තමන්ට උදව් කරන අයට හම්බ කරගන්නට. ජනාධිපතිතුමා අකැමැති වුණත් දේශපාලකයන් තමන්ගේ ආධාරකරුවන්ට බාර් දෙනවා. ඔවුන් ලක්‍ෂ ගණන් හම්බ කරගන්නවා. අපි කොච්චර කෑ ගැසුවත් වැඩක්‌ වෙන්නේ නැහැ.

පාසල්, පන්සල් අසල බාර් තිබෙනවා. පාසල අසල සුරාසල් පවත්වා ගෙන යැම සුදුසු නැතැයි පැවැසූ උන්වහන්සේ සුරා සල් අසලින් ගමන් කිරීමට දරුවන් බිය වන බව ද පැවැසූහ.

“දැන් කාන්තාවනුත් මත්පැන් පානයට ලොල් වී සිsටිනවා. අම්මා තාත්තා දෙන්නාම මත්පැන් පානය කරන විට දරුවන් මත්පැනින් වළක්‌වා ගන්නේ කෙසේද?

සමාජය මේ පිළිබඳව විමසිලිමත් විය යුතු යෑයි ද පැවසූ අස්‌ගිරි මහ නාහිමියෝ ජාතික සංඝ සම්මේලනය ගෙන යන ව්‍යාපාරයට තමන් වහන්සේගේ ආශිර්වාදය ලැබෙන බවද පැවැසූහ.

පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී අතුරලියේ රතන හිමියෝ, ශ්‍රී දළදා වහන්සේ වැඩ සිටින මහනුවර නගරයේ පූජනීය ස්‌ථාන සහ පාසල් ආසන්නයේ නීති විරෝධී සුරාසල් නවයක්‌ පවත්වා ගෙන යන බව පැවැසූහ.

පුෂ්පදාන බාලිකා විද්‍යාලය, ශ්‍රී සුමංගල ප්‍රාථමික විද්‍යාලය, ශ්‍රී කතරගම දේවාලය, ශ්‍රී දළදා මාලිගාව, කැප්පෙටිපොල මහා විද්‍යාලය, මුස්‌ලිම් පල්ලිය, ශාන්ත සිල්වෙස්‌තර විද්‍යාලය, ක්‍රිස්‌තියානි පල්ලිය යන පූජනීය ස්‌ථාන හා පාසල් ආසන්නයේ මෙම සුරා සල් නීතියට පටහැනිව පවත්වා ගෙන යන බව අතුරලියේ රතන හිමියෝ පැවැසූහ.

මෙම සුරා සල් එම ස්‌ථානවලින් ඉවත් කිරීමට දෙසතියක්‌ කල් දෙන බව ද උන්වහන්සේ කීහ.

ජාතික සංඝ සම්මේලනයේ සභාපති රජවත්තේ වප්ප, ලේකම් දොඹගොඩ සාරානන්ද සහ ජාතික සංවිධායක පස්‌සරමුල්ලේ දයාවංශ යන හිමිවරුන්ගේ අත්සනින් යුතුව නිති විරෝධී සුරාසල් වසා දැමීම සම්බන්ධ සංදේශයක්‌ ද, මල්වතු අස්‌ගිරි මහනාහිමිවරුන් වෙත පිළිගන්වන ලදී.

ජාතික සංඝ සම්මේලනයේ නියෝජිත ස්‌වාමීන් වහන්සේ ශ්‍රී දළදා මාලිගාවේ ප්‍රතිමා මන්දිරයේදී ආශිර්වාද පූජාවකට ද සහභාගි වූහ.

Source: Divaina (Sri Lanka)

Indonesians save their woman from Saudi death sentence

The Indonesian government has been able to save an Indonesian woman who had been sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia for murdering a four months old child by poisoning.

Nurqoyah Bint Marsan Dasan Nuriya, 41 year old Indonesian maid faced the death penalty over charges of murdering four-month old Mishari Al-Bushal, who died in June 2010. Saudi media claimed that Nuriya had confessed to killing the infant and the family of Mishari Al-Bushal insisted that Nuriya should be sentenced to death.

However, the court in Damman ruled that three medical reports did not prove the baby was poisoned and his death may have been due to a genetic condition.

Indonesian government created a special task force to protect migrant workers and employed special attorneys versed in sharia law to fight for the rights of the Indonesian migrant worker facing the death penalty. Nuriya’s trial was attended by representatives from the Indonesian Embassy and the Human Rights Commission.

‘Digital Journal’ the web site that reported the incident had stated that authorities in Sri Lanka did not do enough to try to save Rizana Nafeek.

Meanwhile, Indian businessman S.V. Singh Oberoi has been able to save 17 Indian nationals who had been accused of murdering a Pakistani. He has paid $1 million to secure their release.

The UPFA government of President Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs including its minister evading the opportunity to save the innocent girl Rizana Nafeek when there was such an opportunity available is deplorable.

Source: Lankatruth (Sri Lanka)

Ex-LTTE Cadres Contribute To Economy

The Civil Security Department (CSD) has recently recruited 3,500 former LTTE cadres despite requests by the TNA that rehabilitated cadres should be given a chance to lead normal lives as civilians and not be recruited into any military or paramilitary organizations.

While in the LTTE they had caused so much destruction to this country, but today having realized their mistake they have joined hands with the Civil Security Department (CSD) to rebuild the nation, said Ramalingam Kumar an ex-LTTE cadre who had joined the CSD after undergoing the government’s rehabilitation programme.

Having been attached to the intelligence wing of the LTTE, Ramalingam had served the terrorist organization for around 15 years prior to surrendering to the security forces subsequent to the end of the war.

Ramalingam made these comments to The Sunday Leader reporter in Kilinochchi during a ceremony organized by the CSD.
“I was released from detention on 12 June 2012 under a presidential pardon. However after been released and returning to my village, no one was willing to give me a job. I then decided to go to Colombo in search of work, but prior to that I met with MP Namal Rajapaksa at his political office in Kilinochchi and told him of my plight and the plight of many ex-LTTE cadres who face this same dilemma. He assured me that our grievances will be looked into and arrangements would be made to recruit us to the CSD,” said Ramalingam.

It was in keeping with this pledge that the CSD recently recruited around 3,500 rehabilitated ex-LTTE cadres and other Tamil persons into their organization. However according to Ramalingam the Tamil National Alliance has been pressurizing them against joining the CSD, claiming that they will be left stranded and without jobs in three months, and that they would be harassed by the army. “However I am proud to say that it’s been over three months now since we joined the CSD and our jobs are very well secured and we have even received a salary increment that was approved by the budget. Hence I want to tell all those who had negative advice for us with regard to joining the CSD, to please stop spreading false fear among the Tamil people and assist in the reconciliation program and help rebuild this country,” he said.

He also said that many Tamil people who had been influenced by the TNA against joining the CSD are today flocking at the gates of the project offices of the CSD seeking employment. “We were earlier promised a salary of around Rs. 18,000, but today our salaries have been increased to almost Rs. 20,000. One of the other greatest privileges granted to us is that the Director General of the CSD is like a father to us and frequently visits our agricultural project sites in order to address our grievances and provide solutions. He advises us against doing anything wrong and guides us on the right path. This makes it harder for those who are trying very hard to destabilise the effort taken by the current government to unite and develop the country,” he said.

According to Colonel W.W. Ratnapriya, the joint commanding officer operations for Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu, the agricultural projects in the district for the newly recruited rehabilitated ex-cadres and Tamil civilians commenced about four months ago. “During that period we have successfully cultivated crops on around 700 acres of land in the Kilinochchi area under 11 agricultural projects. Among the crops cultivated are maize, paddy, peanuts and green chillies. In addition we have also introduced projects such as brick making and handicrafts as well as promoted subsidiary crops such as coconuts,” he said.

The employees are able to report for duty from their homes, as work on these agricultural projects commence at 8.30 a.m. and conclude for the day around 5 p.m.
“Many of the farming staff are women and these flexible working hours makes it easier for them to manage their homes and their children as well as contribute to the family’s income as well. Furthermore, we have also received Cabinet approval in order to provide these employees permanent employment. This will be implemented expeditiously in the near future and it will also entitle them to a pension after retirement” he said.

Col. Ratnapriya said that initially he had received personal telephone messages challenging them to recruit at least 100 Tamils into the CSD. “I am glad to tell all those who challenged us then that not just 100, but we have recruited 3,500 Tamils successfully and there will be many more who want to join our organisation, having witnessed the progress of those who have already joined,” he said.

Meanwhile Sathyalochini, a 37-year-old mother of four children said that she had been looking for work in order to supplement her family income. “My husband is a labourer and educating my four children aged 14, 13, 10 and four years as well as providing them food and clothing was a sheer impossibility and we have suffered severe hardships. However having heard that the CSD was recruiting people I too decided to apply for the job and was very glad when I received it, but I was also a bit skeptical at the start. However now that I have been drawing a steady income from the day I joined the CSD it has really helped uplift the living standards of my family,” she said.

She had joined the CSD on 10 October last year and having served in the organisation for the past four months she had also received a salary increment from last month.

The Director General of the CSD Rear Admiral Ananda Peiris who visited the Ambal Nagar agricultural project in Kilinochchi last Wednesday morning told the CSD employees at the farm that they will be able to obtain bank loans in order to purchase motor cycles, which will no doubt be an asset for them. Addressing the gathering he said, “All of you have faced many hardships during the war and also lost many loved ones. However today we are here to assist you all in rebuilding your lives, while rebuilding the country as well. If any of you have any grievance that your officers in charge are unable to resolve, please do not hesitate to bring it to my notice and I will certainly do everything in my power to resolve your issues and provide you with solutions,” he said.

Purusoththaman who was rehabilitated at the Hindu Collage in Ratmalana said that he had been released on 25 May 2010. Being the youngest in a family of four he had been forcibly recruited by the LTTE in March 2009 and had surrendered to the security forces in Vattuvan in Mullaitivu after the end of the war in May. He had also lost one of his older brothers during the war. “I never thought that I will be able to live a normal life in peace with my family. However I am very happy today that there is peace in the country and that I am able to enjoy the benefits of this freedom that I had never known before. For people in this area it is very difficult to find work that will pay this kind of salary and earning around Rs, 20,000 is a very good deal that definitely helps my family a greatly,” he said with contentment.

However according to TNA Parliamentarian M. A. Sumanthiran these rehabilitated cadres should be given a chance to lead normal lives as civilians and not be recruited into any military or paramilitary organization. They should also not be used to do the bidding of the government for its own politics. I am not certain about what the Civil Defence Force does, but it does not seem to be the kind of thing that a rehabilitated person should be channeled to, and it is inappropriate. They should be trained in some vocation during rehabilitation and given assistance to start up some enterprise on their own and carry on their lives as civilians.

When asked as to why his party opposes the recruitment of these rehabilitated cadres into the CSD, he said that although there have not been any direct complaints from the recruited personnel themselves, there have been lots of murmurs that his party had heard. “But that is not really the issue. The main issue here is that they are in an inappropriate vocation. We have heard various complaints but nothing directly though,” he said.

Source: The Sunday Leader (Sri Lanka)
Image courtesy of  The Sunday Leader (Sri Lanka)

Iranian official rejects reports on ban on buddha statutes

TEHRAN-An Iranian cultural official rejected some media reports alleging that he has called for a ban on the imports and sales of Buddha statutes in Iran, saying that his remarks have been “misquoted”.

Some media reports have recently quoted Secretary of the Headquarters for Supporting and Protecting Cultural Works Saeed Jaber Ansari as saying that the statutes which represent the saints, beliefs and values of other religions than Islam, specially the Buddha Statutes, should be taken away from shop windows and their imports to Iran should be banned.

Speaking to FNA on Tuesday, Jaber Ansari strongly rejected such reports, and stressed that they are just the result of misinterpretations.

“Unfortunately, my remarks have been misinterpreted,” he said, and further explained, “I just meant the illegal imports of certain cultural works and items and in violation of the customs (rules and regulations).”

“From our point of view, disrespect for the beliefs of other regions is unacceptable,” he reiterated.

Source: Daily mirror (Sri Lanka)

Britain’s arms deals with Sri Lanka revealed

More than £2m worth of sales made last year to a government which has been accused of extensive human rights violations

Small arms weaponry, ammunition and various other military equipment were among millions of pounds’ worth of goods exported last year from Britain to Sri Lanka under licences for arms and other closely regulated exports.

Statistics taken from the British government’s own database for strategic export controls show items ranging from assault rifles and shotguns through to weapons sights, pistols and ammunition were sold last year to the South Asian nation’s government, which has been accused of extensive human rights violations in relation to its treatment of its Tamil minority and the suppression of armed separatists, who have also been acused of abuses.

Read more:

Source: The Guardian (UK)

EU decides to support US resolution against SL

The European Union today decided to support the US sponsored resolution against Sri Lanka at the forthcoming UN Human Rights Council session in Geneva, an official document said.

The document, which was adopted by the EU foreign ministers in Brussels on Monday, reads that, “the EU will also support efforts aimed at keeping the issues of accountability and reconciliation as well as the current human rights situation in Sri Lanka on the agenda of the Human Rights Council.”

The Council’s conclusions stress the importance of addressing key human rights concerns in Syria, Mali, Myanmar, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Sudan and South Sudan.
Source: Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

The Kudankulam radiation leaks

The proponents of the  nuclear project sought to pooh-pooh the safety concerns raised by anti-atomic power campaigners last year. In response to adverse criticism of that nuclear plant, the High Commission of India in Colombo, issuing a media statement on Sept. 27, 2012, declared that it had ‘high safety standards’ posed no threat to Sri Lanka’. The Indian government assigned utmost attention to nuclear and radiation safety, including the safety of operating personnel, public as well as the environment, the High Commission claimed, noting that Kudankulam was a ‘state-of-the-art plant compliant with the highest safety standards available in the nuclear industry today and the safety measures instituted at the plant are of the highest order’.

But, alas, the Kudankulam plant’s first 1,000 MW capacity unit completed in October last year has already developed leaks even before being commissioned, as a veteran Indian journalist pointed out in an article we reproduced on this page yesterday. Nuclear fuel rods were loaded in spite of vehement protests by residents and environmentalists a few months ago, but not a single unit of electricity has been produced due to leaks, we are told. The People’s Movement against Nuclear Energy has vowed to lay siege to the power plant if any attempt is made to commission it in a hurry. It looks as though Kudankulam plant had become India’s nuclear version of Sri Lanka’s coal-fired Norochcholai power station, which has come to be dubbed ‘Always Breakdown’. We fervently hope that Kudankulam won’t turn out to be Asia’s Chernobyl! If something goes wrong there—absit omen!—Sri Lanka will feel the impact within a matter of few hours, as experts have pointed out.

In answer to what Sri Lanka intended to do in view of a possible radiation leak at Kudankulam, some local atomic wizards claimed that an early warning system would be installed. But, of what use is it in the event of a nuclear disaster? In such an eventuality, we will be lost between Kudankulam and the deep blue sea! There will be nothing that we would be able to do except running into the sea like lemmings and drowning ourselves before being killed by radiation. Cynics may say it is much better to go the way of all flesh at once blissfully ignorant of what really hits you instead of dying many times before death after being warned of a nuclear accident, against which there is no defence.

When we took up the issue of Kudankulam and questioned the wisdom of our atomic pundits who never so much as made a whimper of protest against that project for obvious reasons, they chose to insult us and ridicule our knowledge of nuclear energy. Yes, we don’t claim to be experts on that highly specialized branch of science. All we know is that radiation is extremely harmful and atomic energy is something dangerous that must be avoided as far as possible because of disasters like Chernobyl and Fukushima. It was a little boy who made a pompous emperor, who paraded his ‘new clothes’, wearing nary a stitch and claiming that they were visible only to the intelligent, realise that he was actually in the buff. That intrepid squirt had no doctorate in textile and clothing technology, did he? But, he had commonsense which our atomic experts sadly lack.

Today, mum’s the word on the part of our loud-mouthed Atomic Energy Authority bigwigs. All our efforts to elicit a response from them came a cropper yesterday as they would see no Kudankulam, hear no Kudankulam and speak no Kudankulam. Have they been gagged in the run-up to the UNHRC sessions in Geneva as Sri Lanka is trying to avoid another diplomatic knuckle sandwich at the hands of India? Or, is it that their silence has to do with something else? Will the newly appointed Technology, Research and Atomic Energy Minister, Champika Ranawaka clarify the government’s position on the Kudankulam leaks?

Source: The Island (Sri Lanka)